While there is a standard procedure process for placing full mouth dental implants in Fort Lauderdale, FL, there is a way people can get the exact new smile they need and deserve. At a skilled and trusted dental professional’s office, people can get a personalized new smile through a customized full mouth dental implant procedure.
With the latest techniques and technologies, a customized full mouth dental implant procedure can be performed precisely and predictably. Here is more information on how a full mouth dental implant procedure can be customized to each patient’s specific smile.
How Is My Full Mouth Dental Implant Procedure Customized To My Specific Smile?
The following is how a customized procedure process is performed for full mouth dental implants in Fort Lauderdale, FL:
During the consultation, the patient’s dental history and goals will be discussed. X-rays of the patient’s oral structures will be taken so a customized full mouth dental implant procedure can be planned out for each patient’s specific smile.
Full Mouth Dental Implant Surgery:
So that patients can have an anxiety-free and comfortable full mouth dental implant procedure experience, sedation dentistry will be administered to them. Guided surgery design will be used to accurately and precisely place the four or more dental implants into the patient’s jawbone. A temporary prosthesis can then be placed on the dental implants, giving patients a beautiful and functional new smile while they wait for their final prosthesis.
Final Prosthesis:
The custom-made final prosthesis is attached and cemented onto the dental implants, giving patients a functional, beautiful, and healthy new smile for years to come. With personalized full mouth dental implants, patients will get the exact new smile of their dreams.
How Do Customized Full Mouth Dental Implants In Fort Lauderdale, FL Benefit Me?
The benefits of full mouth dental implants include:
- Restores dental function for proper biting and chewing capabilities
- Four or more dental implants are precisely placed in the patients jawbone
- The prosthesis aesthetically looks and feels natural
- Gives a complete smile makeover that dramatically boosts confidence
- Improves oral health and physical health
- Gives patients a significantly better overall quality of life
Come To Our Office So You Can Get Treated With Customized Full Mouth Dental Implants
Are you ready to get the personalized full mouth dental implants you need to improve the look and function of your smile? Our dedicated and caring office can give you a state-of-the-art customized full mouth dental implant procedure process. Don’t hesitate in coming to our quality office to restore your smile. Get in contact with Dr. Burak Taskonak and our exceptional team at our In a Day Smile Dental Implant Centers office to schedule an appointment today!